16, Jan 2025
Expat South Africans

One would never get away with arguing that boerewors is a traditional English sausage. But it has become extremely popular in the UK and it pops up regularly in the most unlikely places. It always contains coarsely ground beef, although lamb or pork as well as cuts of venison, or…

14, Jan 2025

Northumbrian Sausage: Minimum 76% pork, chesnuts, sage, butter, bread rusk, water and seasoning by R G Foreman & Son but rather by default. Can’t find a specific Northumbrian sausage other that those made with locally reared pigs The Rothbury Family Butcher’s R Carter & Son

12, Jan 2025
Well known

One of the most popular and well known  sausages in the UK is the Lincolnshire sausage. They are traditionally made with coarsely chopped or ground pork mixed with binders, seasonings and preservative using sage as the dominant flavouring. As one would expect the sausage originates in Lincolnshire and every year…