16, Jan 2025
Expat South Africans
One would never get away with arguing that boerewors is a traditional English sausage. But it has become extremely popular in the UK and it pops up regularly in the most unlikely places.
It always contains coarsely ground beef, although lamb or pork as well as cuts of venison, or a mixture can be added. With up to thirty percent fat, it is spiced with toasted coriander seed, black pepper, nutmeg, cloves and allspice. Salt and vinegar is used as a preservative and it is packed in sausage casings in a continuous spiral similar to the Cumberland sausage. Boerewors must contain at least 90 percent meat, no offal or meat pulp.
Traditionally braaied over coals, without pricking the casing, it slips neatly into a ‘boerie roll’ which gets smothered with a tomato and onion relish. Alternatively it is eaten together with pap and relish.
There is a lot of choice online but I am battling to find that is properly spiced. Looking for a strong coriander flavour that has a good kick. But find that most I have tried have been toned down. To suit the local market or are my taste buds shot?